Friday, July 31, 2015

Consolidating, and...It's a different date!

I have been running around like a headless chicken this week. The house is now completely empty and clean, and ready for the new owners to take possession this afternoon. 

You'd think, and I had hoped, that once this was accomplished I might get to sit back and take a deep breath. I can tell you that I am sleeping WAY better, but sitting back hasn't happened. Now that we are in a hotel, I am sifting through all of our clothes and toiletries and working on making my one suitcase, one carry on each, plus one extra suitcase dream come alive. If it weren't for how bulky winter coats and all of our shoes are, I'd be set. 

Here's my challenge (we aren't taking all those suitcases, we just held some back for now until everything is sorted):

Wish me luck!

We are now leaving on the afternoon of August 15th, and will fly with Lufthansa from Cleveland to DC (about a 1.5 hour flight), to Frankfurt (8 hour flight) to Luxembourg (45 minute flight) by 10am on August 16th (Sunday). The company purchased round trip tickets that have us back 11/12/15, in case wooing the embassy and trying to talk to officials in Lux about residence visas doesn't pan out. Plus, weirdly, round trip was cheaper than a one-way ticket. 

Next up: Exploring Washington, D.C., starting Monday! I'll be putting my New Balance flats to the test, as the Tieks had toe cleavage and were too tight on my feet. 

I can't wait to see everything and have Boo experience it all with me. She's handled our transition very well. We made sure to take her to say goodbye to the house yesterday, and explained that her things would be waiting for her when we get back from Lux. She keeps saying, "merci beaucoup" and it is too too cute. Today is her last day of preschool so we brought cookies, and I'm curious to see how she will react when I come to pick her up this afternoon. Nonchalant? Sentimental? Guess we will see!

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