Monday, July 27, 2015

Juggling Responsibility, Fun, and Fitness

This weekend John and I got to sneak in “Jurassic World,” then tackled packing up the basement while Boo enjoyed a medieval fair in Rock Creek, Ohio with her Mimi. All the people dressed in theme would bow to Boo since she was dressed as a princess, and the King and Queen threw money at her. Sad we missed it, but we may take her again next weekend before we head to D.C.

So much cute. Boo was very excited about butterflies landing on her.

I had also planned to pack up half the kitchen, and do a bunch of other moving-related stuff on Sunday. But you know what? It’s also one of my last weekends in Cleveland. I still packed up Boo’s playroom and puttered through a few things, but John and I both went to Boo’s last swim lesson and swam a bit. Then, we took her kayaking on the Rocky River for a few hours. The weather was perfect and everyone was happy. 

That’s what I mean about juggling responsibility and fun. Great, I can have the entire house packed up by Tuesday morning, which the control freak in me would celebrate… but the movers come Wednesday. I can just stay up a little later if I have to, and then I can enjoy some outside daylight hours with my family before we take off. This is especially important to do during this beautiful weather, because I need something to remind me why I love Cleveland when I return in the dead of winter.

As for fitness, I regularly attend CrossFit classes here and this is my last week *sob*. If you are living under a rock and haven’t heard of CrossFit, CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training (aka HIIT), Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, calisthenics, and other exercises. I suck at the gymnastics parts (pull-ups, etc.), but I love doing squats with barbells and medicine balls. Lots of people make fun of CrossFit and refer to it as cult-like because members are often quite passionate/vocal/addicted to attending. Guilty. I enjoy the community, I’m getting stronger, I don’t get judged for eating bacon, and I challenge myself every day.

I have managed to find four CrossFit gyms in Luxembourg, though I'm not sure how close they are to where we are living. While I’m going to attend at least once, I think I’m going to be taking a hiatus until I return. For one, CrossFit is expensive, and we will be down to one income. Second, I’m not sure how the language barrier will play out, or the childcare aspect. Here, the gym (or "box") I attend has a kids’ room that Boo can sit in and play with toys or mess around on her iPad. That isn't the norm at CrossFit, so I'm not going to hold my breath.

Finally, I don't want a workout to stop travel plans. I want to jump on a train or bus and just go. I’m sad about losing all the progress I’ve made in strength training, but them’s the breaks. For now, I’m planning to stay fit by walking, walking, walking, and eating sensibly. Maybe I’ll try to focus on becoming a better runner jogger while there. I've also considered buying/renting a bike while we are there and biking all over with Boo, but I have read that Luxembourg is more bus-based than the rest of Europe, so I'll assess when we arrive. 

No updates on the visa situation at this point. I have reached out to Senator Portman's office to see if they can do anything. If I have to go to the embassy next week, so be it. 

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