Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Umbrella Walk

We bought Boo a super inexpensive umbrella in Trier a few weeks ago, and she's been dying for some rain to happen so she can open it outside and splash in puddles. This week has been pretty rainy.

With this less-than-ideal weather (but pleasantly cool temperatures), I'm half antsy, because thanks to my FitBit, I can see how inactive I am when it rains, but half grateful, because my feet are really sore and a little swollen this week and I need to rejuvenate. I suspect that I've walked all the miles out of my flats and/or need new insoles. They've fared pretty well, but have seen very heavy use. 

Anyway, yesterday was dedicated to some heavy grocery shopping and other random errands, so today was the day to take an "umbrella walk" to drop off recycling at the bins a few blocks away, feed the ducks some stale baguette, and just get out of the house already.

At first, Boo resisted, but once we were outside she was all smiles and didn't want to come back. We had a nice hour or so walk and then headed back home for lunch. I'm totally soaked because it started raining pretty heavily, and I left my too-bulky Hunter boots back home. Kind of stupid in hindsight. Oh, well.

Tomorrow: Rheumatologist appointment for Boo, then off to Baden-Baden, Germany. Hoping that Boo and I can do some swimming and enjoy sightseeing some ancient (ca. 2,000 years!) Roman baths.

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