Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly Update

Nothing especially special happened this week for us. John had to go to Cergy, France, but Boo and I bowed out and went to a few parks instead of making the long drive (it's not far from Paris). On Monday and Tuesday I was feeling really, really lazy and we didn't do much outside other than grocery shopping and a short park trip to feed the ducks some stale baguette. But Wednesday through Friday, Boo and I hit the pavement and did some serious walking. 

Wednesday: we walked to a market held in the center of Luxembourg with Adam and Beckett, and met up with Alice and Oscar. I borrowed a stroller for this jaunt, so we could keep moving. Boo can handle the walk, but sometimes I want to move faster than she can. Adam is probably 6' or so, so I didn't realize how much I was powerwalking to keep up with him until I got home and needed some Tylenol for my lower back. While at the market, we picked up some fresh caprese ravioli (enjoyed that night with arrabiata sauce), raspberries, and some pink carnations (Boo's choice) to spruce up the apartment. Then we headed over to the pirate ship park for a bit before heading home. 

The market had gorgeous produce and flowers.

Thursday: Play date at the farm park with Hazel, a 3 mile round trip.  I didn't get any pictures, but please enjoy a creepy Snapchat filter of Boo:

The walk home from the park took a little bit longer and there was some whining. But once we started walking through the International School of Luxembourg, we came upon some random iron sculptures. Boo inspected each one, which gave her a little rest, and she was happy the rest of the way home.

I forgot I took a picture of Boo admiring a construction crew lifting a thing of cement to pour in a building on our walk to the park.

I was tired myself, sorry for the poor pictures.

Friday: Boo and I grabbed a bus to the pirate ship park, then walked about 2 miles round trip to the post office to pick up a missed package (Boo's learning materials).
The train station is really pretty.

We stopped for some water and a panini for lunch, then hopped on a bus to Laval's Park in Eich, which is a commune pretty far away. The park had some good zip lines and was nicely shaded. 

We met up with Alice, her husband Shane, daughter Emily (4) and Oscar. Boo was so cute, running up excitedly to Oscar and giving him a hug. This was the first time she met big sister, and they all got along quite well.

From left: Oscar, Boo, Emily, and Shane. So. Cute.

 Tired after a long day, we hopped the bus home, I made breakfast for dinner, and now I'm sitting on the couch trying to will myself to get up and get ready for bed. 

Next week: Baden Baden, Germany. A spa town!!