Saturday, August 29, 2015

Clervaux, Luxembourg

Clervaux is a commune and town in northern Luxembourg. The city was the site of heavy fighting in WWII and has a few memorials to the Battle of the Bulge and the Battle of Clervaux. 

Boo and I dropped John off at work in Fischbach (just a town over from Clervaux) and headed to the Saint-Maurice and Saint Maur Abbey, which is on top of a mountain overlooking Clervaux. I am not Catholic, but it was very serene. 

Mass was about to start, so we didn't stay long. We headed down a windy, terrifying road to Clervaux Castle and the cute little town surrounding. I got a little flustered with all of the one way streets, so we parked about a kilometer away from the castle and walked. It wasn't bad at all, and a very pretty walk. We passed by the Church Saint Cosmas and Damian as well.

Church on the left, castle on the right, town below.

Just a house I thought was pretty.

Battle of the Bulge memorial

A Sherman Tank and German 88 anti-aircraft missile are on display at the castle.

Clervaux Castle hosts two museums: one for the Battle of the Bulge and one that has miniature models of all the castles of Luxbourg, of which there are like 20! In another area of the castle is the Family of Man exhibit, a UNESCO memorial photography collection by Edward Steichen. It wasn't open, but I am definitely going back when it is. I love that kind of stuff. 

Just one example of many castles on display. Too many to post. 

Boo standing in a ginormous fireplace.

The windows and doors weren't so ginormous.

A pretty hotel that can be seen from the castle.

Lots of photography exhibits surround the castle. 

After we explored the castle, we went back to have lunch with John. After lunch, we headed back to see the town of Clervaux itself, but first stopped by a weird little wooden park for a minute. I would later find out I had dropped €50 out of my pocket here. Miraculously, it was still there a few hours later when I retraced my steps. Whew.

Apparently the town of Clervaux is kind of like a resort area, where people go for wine tasting and Nordic hiking. There is also a war memorial and plenty of little shops. It's a cute town. 

Lots of windows had flowers spilling out from them. So pretty!

Boo was pretty borderline naughty all day. The clincher was when I asked her not to touch a birdhouse on display outside a store, and she looked me straight in the eye as she touched it. Busted. No more fun. Time to go. She was tired and acting out.  I drove around so she would fall asleep and took a few pictures overlooking some towns around Fischbach and Clervaux. 

I saw lots of tractors, as the area is mainly farmland and pasture. A few were parked in driveways, others were mowing hay, and one had a trailer full of walnuts. I guess Clervaux has a nut festival, but I have to search for the info.

It was a nice day. Today we went to Schueberfouer, and I'll share that in a post later. John has to go to BFE Belgium for most of next week, so Boo and I are going to start figuring out the bus system. We are going to go to Leon, France for a long weekend soon.

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